The board of trustees of Anne Arundel Community College recognizes that, as a public institution, the college is a steward of taxpayer funding and, as such, must be fiscally responsible to the citizens of Anne Arundel County and the Maryland.
I. Purpose
This policy is established to set the authority of the board with regard Reduction in Force, upon a recommendation by the college president.
II. Scope and Applicability
A. This policy applies to all regular full time and part time staff and full time faculty.
B. This policy does not apply to adjunct faculty or other temporary or probationary employees.
C. This policy does not apply to nonrenewal of contracts or employment termination for employment funded outside of the operating budget, including but not limited to, auxiliary, enterprise, grants or restricted funding. Such actions are not considered a Reduction in Force.
III. Definitions
A. Financial exigency is a demonstrable, bona fide serious condition when the operating fund of the college is inadequate to maintain the established level of programs and services, including but not limited to, a severe weather event, natural disaster or act of God; epidemic or pandemic; government orders or directives; acts of terrorism; other unforeseen events; or a financial situation that is severe enough to demand prompt corrective action.
B. Reduction in force or RIF is the elimination of college positions due to financial exigency, where there is no likelihood or expectation that the employees will be recalled because the positions have been eliminated.
IV. Reduction in Force
A. Upon the recommendation of the president to the board, the board may declare a financial exigency related to the college as a whole and authorize a reduction in force.
B. The college shall provide a rational, nondiscriminatory, good-faith and orderly means to conduct a reduction in force in accordance with the procedures.
C. Prior to recommending the declaration of a financial exigency, the college will consider all reasonable cost-saving or revenue-enhancing measures to avoid conducting a reduction in force, in accordance with the procedures.
The board of trustees hereby authorizes the president or designee to develop, maintain and keep current appropriate procedures to implement and enforce this policy.
Policy Title: Financial Exigency and Reduction in Force Policy
Policy Category: Administration, Business and Fiscal Affairs
Policy Owner: President
Policy Administrator: Vice President for Learning Resources Management
Contact Information: Melissa Beardmore;; 410-777-2532
Approval Date: June 29, 2021
Effective Date: June 29, 2021
History: Adopted on Feb. 24, 1993; Revised June 29, 2021
Applies to: All employees
Related Policies: N/A
Related Procedures: Financial Exigency and Reduction in Force Procedures
Forms/Guidelines: N/A
Relevant Laws: N/A