I. Purpose
A. This Interim Measures for Academic Misconduct Allegations Procedure (“Procedure”) is established to implement the Anne Arundel Community College (“College”) Board of Trustee’s Academic Integrity Policy (“Policy”) and Resolving Academic Misconduct Allegations Procedure.
B. As defined in the Resolving Academic Misconduct Allegations, the Coordinator will conduct a Preliminary Inquiry and consider Interim Measures. If the Coordinator determines that Interim Measures are appropriate, the Coordinator will impose the Interim Measures in accordance with this Procedure.
II. Scope and Applicability
A. This Procedure applies to Respondents to allegations of Academic Misconduct.
B. This Procedure does not apply to non-academic misconduct or student grievances, which will be investigated and resolved in accordance with the applicable policy and procedures.
III. Definitions
A. All capitalized terms in this Procedure have the meanings provided in the Policy or the Resolving Academic Misconduct Allegations Procedure.
IV. Interim Measures
A. Interim Measures may include, but are not limited to:
1. Suspending a Respondent on an interim basis pending the outcome of the allegations;
2. Prohibiting access, in person or electronically, to the classroom(s) or College information technology resources by contacting Information and Instructional Technology;
3. Issuing mutual no contact orders, including but not limited to restrictions that may prevent in-person, telephonic, electronic and/or third-party communications or contact;
4. Taking other reasonable measures to ensure the safety of all individuals involved in the Investigation and the normal function of the learning environment and operations of the College.
B. Issuance of Interim Measures
1. During the Preliminary Inquiry, the Coordinator may consider whether Interim Measures should be imposed to ensure the safety of any person or the College community; protect the College’s information technology resources; protect the integrity of the Investigation; or prevent actions that may impede normal College operations.
2. If the Coordinator determines that Interim Measures are appropriate during the Preliminary Inquiry, the Coordinator will include the Interim Measures in the Notice.
3. If prohibiting access is part of the Interim Measures, the Coordinator will specify which classes and resources the Respondent will be prohibited from accessing, based on the allegations.
4. If the Coordinator determines that Interim Measures are appropriate after the Notice has been provided, the Coordinator will provide notice of the Interim Measures to the Respondent in writing.
5. The Coordinator will make reasonable efforts to ensure that any Interim Measures are implemented in a way that has the least adverse impact on the Respondent during the Investigation and the determination of the allegations, including working with the Respondent and the Faculty Member(s) for any course(s) in which the Respondent is enrolled to arrange for the Respondent to submit coursework or assessments through alternative means or changing coursework or assessments, as needed, to permit the Respondent to receive a grade in the course(s) should the Respondent be found not responsible.
V. Opportunity to Be Heard Regarding Interim Measures
A. The College will give the Respondent an opportunity to be heard regarding the issuance of any Interim Measures.
B. To contest the Interim Measures, the Respondent must submit a written objection to the AVPL, including the reason(s) that the Respondent believes the Interim Measures are improper, within five (5) Business Days of the date that the notice of Interim Measures was sent to the Respondent.
C. The AVPL or designee may make a decision based on the written submission or at AVPL’s or designee’s sole discretion, may request additional information from the Respondent in writing or by inviting the Respondent to a meeting in person, by telephone, or through electronic means. The designee cannot be the College Representative or a member of the Hearing Board.
1. During the meeting, the AVPL or designee may discuss with the Respondent whether the conduct and surrounding circumstances reasonably indicate that the continued presence of the Respondent on College property or having access to the College’s classrooms or information technology resources poses a threat to the safety of any person, the College community, College operations, College information technology resources, or the integrity of the Investigation.
2. The AVPL or designee will not discuss the merits of the allegation(s) in the Notice.
D. The AVPL or designee may request information from the Coordinator who issued the Interim Measures in writing.
E. The AVPL or designee will consider the information provided by the Respondent and/or the Coordinator and decide whether to uphold, modify, or reverse the issuance of Interim Measures within five (5) Business Days of receipt of the Respondent’s written objection. This Deadline can be extended by the AVPL or designee if needed to collect information needed to make a decision regarding Interim Measures.
F. The AVPL’s or designee’s decision is final and cannot be appealed or grieved.
G. If not included in the Decision on the allegations in the Notice, the Interim Measures will terminate when the Decision is issued.
Procedure Title: Interim Measures for Academic Misconduct Allegations Procedure
Policy Category: Academic Affairs
Policy Owner: Provost/Vice President of Learning
Policy Administrator: Associate Vice President of Learning and Academic Affairs
Contact Information: Dr. Tina Smith; ksmith56@xinglongmaofang.com; 410-777-2776
Approval Date: May 24, 2023
Effective Date: Aug. 26, 2023
History: N/A
Applies to: Respondents to allegations of Academic Misconduct
Related Policies: Academic Integrity Policy
Related Procedures:
Forms/Guidelines: N/A
Relevant Laws: N/A